The South Madison Community Event Calendar was created to help keep our small towns strong, even as we grow. The Community Event Calendar is managed by the South Madison Community Foundation as a tool to support nonprofit and community organizations in their efforts to create a more vibrant and connected community.

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SMCF is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations, and reserves the right to decline submissions if the event is determined to be inconsistent with the character and intent of SMCF or the Community Event Calendar.

  • Events must either take place in Pendleton, Ingalls, Lapel, or Markleville or be hosted by an organization serving those communities.
  • Events should be open to general audiences on a nondiscriminatory basis
  • The Calendar is to be used for public, not private, benefit
  • The Calendar is to be used for special, not ongoing, events
  • Submissions will be accepted from 501c3, tax supported, or educational organizations. Submissions by other recognized tax-exempt organizations may be made for events that benefit the community.
  South Madison Community Calendar Submission Form
Select to Clone Past Events: *
Organizer Event Email: (* Required Field)
Organizer Event Phone: (* Required Field)
Event Website:
Event Location: (* Required Field)
Event Address: (* Required Field)
Event Start Date: (* Required Field)
Event End Date: (* Required Field)
Event Start Time: (* Required Field)
Event End Time: (* Required Field)
Event Short Description: (* Required Field)
Event Full Description: (* Required Field)
By clicking this box you are indicating that you represent the event management.
Spam Prevention: Add these numbers together (1+5) (* Required Field)